Confirmation Gifts

The sacrament of Confirmation is one of the three sacraments of Christian initiation (which are Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation). In this sacrament, given through the hands and prayer of the Bishop, the Holy Spirit ‘confirms’, strengthens and completes the graces initially given in Baptism. By means of this profound gift, the fully initiated Christian now takes on the obligations of Catholic adulthood, spreading and defending the Faith by word and deed, and cultivating the Christian virtues. 

The occasion of Confirmation is often marked with celebration and gift giving, and below you will find gifts that have a Confirmation theme.  

While preparing for Confirmation, a candidate usually chooses a saint as a special patron, and it is often thought appropriate to give something which features that saint. Saint statues, pictures and books on the lives of the saints can all be found in other areas of the website (try typing the saint’s name in the search box above). 

There are many other gifts, found in other areas of the website, that would also be considered suitable for Confirmation, such as Bibles, missals, faith education books and devotional plaques and pictures.  

If you would like help finding the perfect gift, please give us a call.